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Available Seedlots
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What are seedlots?
- Seedlots represent physical seed in packets.
- This seed can be from crosses or for named accessions.
- Seedlots can have a specific location, box, weight(g), and count.
- Seed can be transferred into and out of a seedlot. Such as from a seedlot into a plot.
- Seedlots can belong to breeding programs and organizations.
How do I inventory my seed?
- Make sure your seedlots are in the database. Use "Add New Seedlot" to add a single seedlot or "Upload New Seedlots" to add many.
- Make sure your seedlots are barcoded. You can print these barcodes from the database.
- The inventory app is currently not available but you can continue using it if it is installed on your tablet device. It is also possible to manually enter a transaction by going to the seedlot detail page and clicking "Add New Transaction".
![]() ![]() | Login to add or upload seedlots |
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Upload Seedlot Inventory
- Intro
- File format
- Upload inventory
- Fix missing seedlots problem
- Try submitting inventory again
What is a seedlot inventory?
- Seedlots represent physical seed in packets.
- This seed can be from crosses or for named accessions.
- Seedlots can have a specific location, box, weight(g), and count.
- Seedlots can belong to breeding programs and organizations.
- Seedlots can be used in trials (e.g. they were planted in a plot) and they can be harvested from a plot or plant (e.g. a cross was performed and seeds were collected.)
- A seedlot inventory consists of giving a location and current weight(g) to your seedlots. The seedlot name is the unique identifier for each seedlot and so should be encoded in a barcode on each seedlot packet.
- You can use the "Inventory" Android Application to scan seedlot barcodes and record weight. If you prefer you can create your own CSV file and upload that, if you do not want to use the Inventory Application. For info about the format of the file to upload, go to the next tab.
- It is also possible to manually enter a transaction by going to the seedlot detail page and clicking "Add New Transaction".
Make sure you are collecting seedlot inventory in the following format
The "Seed Inventory" Android Application will export this same exact format by default.
Select your file and upload seedlot inventory
Fixing the missing seedlot(s) problem
- Seedlots must exist in the database prior to updating or adding inventory. The reason for this is that the inventory does not give information about the content (a named accession or a cross name) and this information is required for a seedlot to exist in the database. We also want to be careful about adding new seedlots into the database because we do not want data to be incorrectly linked to duplicates.
- When adding seedlots into the database, you can upload an Excel file or you can add seedlots one at a time.
Seedlot Inventory Upload Error Messages
Submit your inventory again. You should have corrected all errors by now, but if not please take a look at the errors in the red box below. You can continue to modify your file and then click Upload until it works.
There exist these problems in your file:
Finished! Your seedlot inventory is in the database
The seedlot inventory file was uploaded successfully
- You may want to proceed to the seedlot detail page(s) for the seedlot(s) you just updated.
- You can print barcodes for the seedlots.
Finished! Your seedlot inventory is in the database
The seedlot inventory file was uploaded successfully
- You may want to proceed to the seedlot detail page(s) for the seedlot(s) you just updated.
- You can print barcodes for the seedlots.
Upload Template Information
(Excel .xls and .xlsx format not supported)
The first row (header) should contain the following:
box_id | seed_id | inventory_date | inventory_person | weight_gram |
- box_id (the name of the box that the seedlot is in. also called box_name.)
- seed_id (unique identifier for the seedlot. must exist in the database. also called seedlot_name)
- inventory_date (a timestamp for when the seedlot was inventoried)
- inventory_person (the name of the person doing the inventory. can be any name. also called operator_name)
- weight_gram (the weight in grams of the seedlot)
Upload Seedlots
- Intro
- What seedlots do you have?
- File format
- Upload seedlots
- Fix errors in file
- Try submitting seedlots again
What are seedlots?
- Seedlots represent physical seed in packets.
- This seed can be from crosses or for named accessions.
- Seedlots can have a specific location, box, weight_gram, and count.
- Seedlots can belong to breeding programs and organizations.
- Seedlots can be used in trials (e.g. they were planted in a plot) and they can be harvested from a plot or plant (e.g. a cross was performed and seeds were collected.)
Seedlots fall into two categories
Make sure your file matches the correct file format
Provide basic information about the seedlots and upload your file
Fix all errors in your file
- Accessions must exist in the database prior to adding seedlots of them. The reason for this is that an accession can be exist in many seedlots and therefore exists as a separate entity in the database. We also want to be careful about adding new accessions into the database because we do not want incorrectly duplicated data.
- When adding accessions into the database, you can use either a list of accessions or an Excel file.
- Crosses must exist in the database before adding your seed lots. The reason for this is that a cross can produce many seed lots and so the cross must exists as a separate entity in the database. We also want to be careful about adding new crosses into the database because we do not want data to be incorrectly linked to duplicates.
- When adding crosses into the database, you can upload an Excel file or you can add seedlots one at a time.
Seedlot Upload Error Messages
Submit your seedlots again. You should have corrected all errors by now, but if not please take a look at the errors in the red box below. You can continue to modify your file and then click Upload until it works.
There exist these problems in your file:
Finished! Your seedlots are now in the database
The seedlot file was uploaded successfully
- You may want to proceed to the seedlot detail page(s) for the seedlot(s) you just created.
- You can print barcodes for the seedlots.
Finished! Your seedlots are now in the database
The seedlot file was uploaded successfully
- You may want to proceed to the seedlot detail page(s) for the seedlot(s) you just created.
- You can print barcodes for the seedlots.
Upload Template Information For Named Accessions
The first row (header) should contain the following:
seedlot_name | accession_name | operator_name | amount | weight_gram | description | box_name | quality | source |
- seedlot_name (must be unique)
- accession_name (must exist in the database. the accession_name is the unique identifier for the named genotype)
- operator_name (the name of the person who oversaw the inventory process. can be any name.)
amount (number of seeds in seedlot. can be provided in conjunction with weight_gram. must provide a value for amount or weight_gram or both.)
weight_gram (weight in grams of seedlot. can be provided in conjunction with amount. must provide a value for amount or weight_gram or both.) - box_name (the box name that the seed is located in. can be any name.)
- description (information about why this seedlot is being added)
- quality (status of the seedlot, for example "ok", "moldy", "insect damage" etc.
- source (an alternate source, such as a plot, subplot, or plant identifier from which the seed was collected)
Seedlots may be uploaded using any of the supported file types: MS Excel (.xls or .xlsx), comma-separated file (.csv), tab-delimited file (.txt or .tsv), or semicolon-separated file (.ssv).
Optional columns may be left out, if not used in your data.
Upload Template Information For Harvested Seedlots
The first row (header) should contain the following:
seedlot_name | cross_unique_id | operator_name | amount | weight_gram | description | box_name | quality |
- seedlot_name (must be unique)
- cross_unique_id (must exist in the database. a cross_unique_id can represent a cross between accessions e.g. AxB, but a cross can also represent a cross between specific plots in the field if you have this information)
- operator_name (the name of the person who oversaw the inventory process. can be any name.)
amount (number of seeds in seedlot. can be provided in conjunction with weight_gram. must provide a value for amount or weight_gram or both.)
weight_gram (weight in grams of seedlot. can be provided in conjunction with amount. must provide a value for amount or weight_gram or both.) - box_name (the box name that the seed is located in. can be any name.)
- description (information about why this seedlot is being added)
- quality (brief description of quality, e.g., "ok", "moldy", "insect damage", etc)
Seedlots may be uploaded using any of the supported file types: MS Excel (.xls or .xlsx), comma-separated file (.csv), tab-delimited file (.txt or .tsv), or semicolon-separated file (.ssv).
Optional columns may be left out, if not used in your data.
Create New Seedlot
Add Accessions
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File format information
Accessions may be uploaded using any of the supported file types: MS Excel (.xls or .xlsx), comma-separated file (.csv), tab-delimited file (.txt or .tsv), or semicolon-separated file (.ssv).
Optional columns may be left out, if not used in your data.
Upload Accessions Template Information
The first row (header) should contain the following:
accession_name | species_name | population_name | organization_name | synonym | description | PUI | accession number | country of origin | notes | organization | variety | female_parent | male_parent | cross_type |
- The following fields can take comma-separated values to indicate there are several values for the accession: organization_name, synonym , PUI, accession number, country of origin, notes, organization, variety
- accession_name (must be unique)
- species_name (must exist in the database)
NOTE: the optional fields do not need to exist in the spreadsheet if they are not used and can be added in any order after the required fields
- description - a free text description of the stock.
- population_name (a population is a grouping of accessions. If the population already exists in the database, the accession will be added to it; otherwise, a new population will be created). Multiple populations can be specified, using the pipe symbol (|) as the separator (for example, pop1|pop2|pop3)
- organization_name (the name(s) of the organization(s) which use this accession e.g. NARO,IITA)
- synonym (an accession can be known by many names including local popular names. a synonym name can be used instead of the accession_name throughout the database; because of this, synonyms must themselves be unique. e.g. accession_synonym1,accession_synonym001)
- PUI (permanent unique identifier(s) of the accession)
- accession number (accession number(s) for accession from germplasm bank)
- country of origin (the country(s) of origin)
- notes (free text for notes)
- organization (no definition available)
- variety (variety(s) can be defined as a group of individuals or plants having similar traits that can be reproduced true to type from generation to generation)
- female_parent (the accession name of the female parent - if the accession does not exist, it will be created)
- male_parent (the accession name of the male parent - if the accession does not exist, it will be created)
- cross_type (the type of cross between the female and male parents - one of: biparental, self, open, backcross, sib, polycross, reselected)
Accessions may be uploaded using any of the supported file types: MS Excel (.xls or .xlsx), comma-separated file (.csv), tab-delimited file (.txt or .tsv), or semicolon-separated file (.ssv).
Optional columns may be left out, if not used in your data.
Accessions to be Added
The following accessions are new and will be added to the database:
Fuzzy Matches
Synonym Search
Starting Synonym Search....
Search Results:
The table below lists your Accession names that have potential matches to existing Accession entries in the database.
Any of your Accession names that are not an EXACT match with a Database entry will have a new Accession entry created. For each of your Accession names with a potential match, you can select a Database entry to use as a replacement. This will replace your Accession name with the selected Database name and optionally add your Accession name as a synonym of the selected Database entry.
Filter by Match Type: All | Exact | Exact & Potential | Potential | None
No potential matches found
There are no potential Database Accession entries matching your provided Accession names. Click the Continue button below to update any existing Accessions and/or add any new Accessions to the Database.
Synonym Search Results
Selected Replacements:
The following existing Database Accession entries will replace your provided Accession name(s) and your Accession name will be added to the existing Database Accession entry, if selected.
New Accessions:
The following Accession entries will be created in the Database.
Existing Accessions:
The following Accession entries already exist in the Database. They will be updated with any new information.
Found Accessions
Accessions Saved
Upload Crosses
- Intro
- Crossing experiment
- Upload your crosses
- Crosses can be of different types (biparental, self, open, backcross, sib, polycross, bulk, bulk_open, bulk_self, doubled_haploid, or dihaploid_induction)
- cross type descriptions:
- biparental: An individual plant pollinated by another individual plant.
- self: A self pollinated individual plant.
- open: An individual plant pollinated by a group of plants or open pollinated (pollen may be from a group with known or unknown members).
- backcross: An individual plant pollinated by one of its parents. Cross Unique ID can be used as one of the parents.
- sib: Mating between individuals that have at least one parent in common. Generally between two individuals within the same plot.
- polycross: Mating between individual female parent from a population and the corresponding male population.
- bulk: A group of plants (usually a related family) pollinated by an individual plant (between a female population and a male accession).
- bulk_open: A group of plants (usually a related family) that are pollinated by another group of plants or open pollinated (between a female population and a male population or unknown male parent).
- bulk_self: A group of plants (usually a related family) that are self pollinated (each individual selfed, not combined pollen).
- doubled_haploid: Plants derived from doubling the chromosome number of haploid tissue.
- dihaploid_induction: Plants derived from reducing the chromosome set from tetraploid to diploid.
- An individual cross can be linked to a female plot or plant, as well as a male plot or plant.
- A cross can have a number of properties associated to it, such as number of flowers, pollination date, etc.
- A cross can produce seed, which goes into a seedlot.
- A cross can ultimately produce progeny, which then become named accessions in the database.
Select a crossing experiment for your crosses
Crossing experiments are for grouping crosses together. The grouping is most often done for crosses derived from the same field trial, the same year, or for crosses that have the same breeding objective.
Enter basic information about the crosses and upload your file
Crosses may be uploaded using any of the supported file types: MS Excel (.xls or .xlsx), comma-separated file (.csv), tab-delimited file (.txt or .tsv), or semicolon-separated file (.ssv).
Finished! Your crosses are now in the database
The crosses file was uploaded successfully
- You may want to proceed to the cross detail page(s) for the cross(es) you just created.
- You can print barcodes for the crosses.
- You can add crossing information as it becomes available (e.g. number of seeds, progeny, etc).
Finished! Your crosses are now in the database
The crosses file was uploaded successfully
- You may want to proceed to the cross detail page(s) for the cross(es) you just created.
- You can print barcodes for the crosses.
- You can add crossing information as it becomes available (e.g. number of seeds, progeny, etc).
Upload Crosses File Error
Template Information
To set up crosses in the database, please provide required information. The first row (header) must contain the following:
cross_unique_id | cross_combination | cross_type | female_parent | male_parent |
- cross_unique_id (must NOT exist in the database)
- cross_combination (required in the header, but value for cross combination (e.g. female accession/male accession) may be left blank)
- cross_type (must be one of the following: biparental, self, open, sib, polycross, backcross, bulk, bulk_open, bulk_self, doubled_haploid, dihaploid_induction)
- biparental: An individual plant pollinated by another individual plant.
- self: A self pollinated individual plant.
- open: An individual plant pollinated by a group of plants or open pollinated (pollen may be from a group with known or unknown members).
- backcross: An individual plant pollinated by one of its parents.
- sib: Mating between individuals that have at least one parent in common. Generally between two individuals within the same plot.
- polycross: Mating between individual female parent from a population and the corresponding male population.
- bulk: A group of plants (usually a related family) pollinated by an individual plant (between a female population and a male accession).
- bulk_open: A group of plants (usually a related family) that are pollinated by another group of plants or open pollinated (between a female population and a male population or unknown male parent).
- bulk_self: A group of plants (usually a related family) that are self pollinated (each individual selfed, not combined pollen).
- doubled_haploid: Plants derived from doubling the chromosome number of haploid tissue.
- dihaploid_induction: Plants derived from reducing the chromosome set from 4 to 2.
- female_parent: Female parent names must exist as uniquenames in the database, can be accession, plot, plant or population stock type.
- male_parent: Required in the header, but value may be left blank for most cross types. Must be specified for biparental, sib, backcross, polycross and bulk cross types. When specified, male parent names must exist as uniquenames in the database, can be accession, plot, plant or population stock type.
- female_focus_trait
- male_focus_trait
- female_source_trial
- male_source_trial
- After cross unique ids are stored in the database, you can add field crossing data (e.g. pollination date, total number of flowers pollinated, total number of fruits set) or progenies to each cross unique id.
- Field crossing data and progenies can be uploaded via links in crossing experiment detail page or can be added directly in each cross detail page.
Add New Cross
- Intro
- Crossing Experiment
- Enter cross information
- Enter parentage information
- Additional cross info
What is a cross?
- The Cross Tool can track any pollinations in a breeding program.
- Each cross has a globally unique cross id.
- Supported cross types are: biparental, self, open, backcross, sib, polycross, bulk, bulk_self, bulk_open, doubled_haploid, or dihaploid_induction
- For an open pollinated cross, the cross can be defined as between female accession A and male population P1 (populations in the database are defined strictly as groups of accessions). If the male parent is not known, it can be left blank.
- For backcross cross type, cross unique id can be used as one of the parents.
- An individual cross can be linked to the specific female plot or plant, as well as to the specific male plot or plant.
- A cross can have other data associated to it, such as number of flowers, pollination date, etc.
- Seed produced by a cross can be managed using a seedlot.
- Progenies from a cross can become named accessions in the database.
Select a crossing experiment
Crossing experiments are for grouping crosses together. The grouping is most often done for crosses derived from the same field trial, the same year, or for crosses that have the same breeding objective.
Enter basic information about the cross
Cross type information
Descriptions of cross types
Enter basic information about the cross
Optional: If you choose to record exact cross parents, you can do so.
Optional: If you choose to record exact cross female parent, you can do so.
If you would like to add auto-generated progeny names for this cross, you can add it here
Finished! Your cross is now in the database
The cross was added successfully
- You may want to proceed to the cross detail page for the cross you just created.
- You can print barcodes for the cross.
- You can add crossing information as it becomes available (e.g. number of seeds, progeny, etc).
Finished! Your cross is now in the database
The cross was added successfully
- You may want to proceed to the cross detail page for the cross you just created.
- You can print barcodes for the cross.
- You can add crossing information as it becomes available (e.g. number of seeds, progeny, etc).
Template Information
Individual Crosses:
biparental: An individual plant pollinated by another individual plant.
self: A self pollinated individual plant.
open pollinated: An individual plant pollinated by a group of plants or open pollinated (pollen may be from a group with known or unknown members).
backcross: An individual plant pollinated by one of its parents.
sib: Mating between individuals that have at least one parent in common. Generally between two individuals within the same plot.
bulk: A group of plants (usually a related family) pollinated by an individual plant.
bulk selfed: A group of plants (usually a related family) that are self pollinated (each individual selfed, not combined pollen).
bulk and open pollinated: A group of plants (usually a related family) that are pollinated by another group of plants or open pollinated (pollen may be from a group with known or unknown members).
doubled haploid: Plants derived from doubling the chromosome number of haploid tissue.
dihaploid induction: Plants derived from a chromosome reduction from tetraploid to diploid
Group of Crosses:
polycross: Creates a group of open pollinated crosses. Each accession in the selected list becomes the female parent in an open cross, and all the members of the list grouped together form the male parent.
reciprocal: Creates a group of biparental crosses. Starting with a list of accessions, all possible biparental cross combinations are made between them.
multicross: Creates a group of biparental crosses. Starting with a list of maternal accessions and a list of paternal accessions, direct crosses are made in order.
The cross or crosses were saved successfully.
Add New Crossing Experiment
- Intro
- Add a crossing experiment
What are crossing experiments?
Crossing experiments group crosses. The grouping can reflect crosses done in the same field trial, crosses in a breeding program in a given year, or crosses that have the same breeding objective. This grouping can be used to encapsulate all the crosses done in a crossing block field trial that you have saved in the database (e.g. in Manage Trials your crossing block will appear as a field trial with plots)
Enter basic information about the crossing experiment
Finished! Your crossing experiment is now in the database
Crossing experiment was added successfully
- You may want to proceed to the crossing experiment detail page you just created.
- You can add or upload crosses into your crossing experiment as they become available.
- You can add crossing information as it becomes available (e.g. number of seeds, progeny, etc).
Finished! Your crossing experiment is now in the database
Crossing experiment was added successfully
- You may want to proceed to the crossing experiment detail page you just created.
- You can add or upload crosses into your crossing experiment as they become available.
- You can add crossing information as it becomes available (e.g. number of seeds, progeny, etc).
Create Seedlots from a Trial
- Intro
- Select Trial
- Select Seedlots
- Name Seedlots
- Set Contents
- Set Metadata
- Confirm
- Create
This workflow will guide you through the process of creating seedlots from the accessions in a field trial. You can create one new seedlot for each plot or unique accession in the trial. You can also set the initial contents (count or weight) of the seedlot as the value of a recorded trait from the trial.
Select a Field Trial
Enter the name of the field trial from which to create the seedlots:
Select Seedlots
Seedlots can be generated from either each accession or plot or subplot or plant in this trial.
- If you select accessions: seedlots will be created
- If you select plots: seedlots will be created
- If you select subplots: seedlots will be created
- If you select plants: seedlots will be created
Name Seedlots
Enter a template for naming each new seedlot. The following variables (surrounded by curly braces) can be used in the template and the value of that variable will be replaced.
- an incrementing index number, starting with 1
Seedlot Names
Set Seedlot Contents
Each seedlot needs to have its initial contents (either a count or a weight) set. You can either set the same initial value for each seedlot, use the value from one of the traits recorded for this trial, or compute a new value from the recorded traits for this trial. If you are creating a seedlot for each accession and select a trait or a computed value as their initial value, then the sum of the trait values for each of the accession's plots will be used. The contents of each seedlot can be modified in the table below before its creation.
Use the following variables as substitutions for the trait values to compute a new value for the initial seedlot contents. If you are creating one seedlot per plot, then the single plot trait value will be used in the computation. If you are creating one seedlot per accession, then the sum of the trait values for each plot of that accession will be used in the computation.
Variable Trait NOTE: The formula is evaluated using javascript, so any basic operators (+-*/) or javascript Math functions (Math.abs(x)) can be used.
Seedlot Contents
Set Seedlot Metadata
The following metadata is required for each seedlot. Fill out the form at the top apply the metadata to all of the seedlots. Then, each seedlot can be manually modified in the table below.
Seedlot Metadata
Confirm Seedlots
Confirm the attributes for the new seedlots in the table below. If something is incorrect, navigate to the previous step and correct the information. Once all the information is correct, continue to the next step to create the seedlots.
Seedlots to Create
Create Seedlots
Creating Seedlots...
70% Complete
Seedlot Progress
Delete Seedlots
Seedlot Deletion Verify
Mark Seedlots as Discarded
The seedlots were marked as DISCARDED.
Marking Seedlots as DISCARDED and Undo Options
Only users with curator role can mark seedlots as "DISCARDED" or undo discarding seedlots.
Discarding vs. Deleting Seedlots:
Discarding a seedlot is different from deleting a seedlot.
How to Mark Seedlot as DISCARDED:
UNDO Discarding seedlots:
Discarded seedlot can be reversed by using UNDO option at the buttom of Seedlot Details page
Upload Transactions
- Intro
- Upload Seedlot Transactions
Upload Seedlot Transactions
You can upload 4 different types of seedlot transactions. All of the transactions in each file have to be the same type. - Transferring seeds from existing seedlot to another existing seedlot.
- Transferring seeds from existing seedlot to a new seedlot. A new seedlot is created beforing adding new transaction.
- Transferring seeds from existing seedlot to a previously stored plot
- Removing seeds from existing seedlot to unspecified seedlot name or plot name
Select a transaction type and upload your file
Finished! Your transactions are now in the database
The transactions file was uploaded successfully
Finished! Your transactions are now in the database
The transactions file was uploaded successfully
Upload Transactions File Error
Upload Template Information For Existing Seedlot to Existing Seedlot Transactions
The first row (header) must contain the following:
from_seedlot_name | to_seedlot_name | amount | weight(g) | operator_name | transaction_description |
- from_seedlot_name: Must exist in the database. Seeds were taken from this seedlot.
- to_seedlot_name: Must exist in the database. Seeds were added to this seedlot.
amount: Number of seeds being transaferred. Can be provided in conjunction with weight(g). Must provide a value for amount or weight(g) or both.
weight(g): Weight in grams of seedlot being transferred. Can be provided in conjunction with amount. Must provide a value for amount or weight(g) or both. - operator_name: Name of the person who oversaw the transaction process. Can be any name.
- transaction_description: Information about why this transaction is processed.
Upload Template Information For Existing Seedlot to New Seedlot Transactions
The first row (header) must contain the following:
from_seedlot_name | amount | weight(g) | operator_name | transaction_description | to_new_seedlot_name | new_seedlot_box_name | new_seedlot_description | new_seedlot_quality |
- from_seedlot_name: Must exist in the database. Seeds were taken from this seedlot.
amount: Number of seeds being transaferred. Can be provided in conjunction with weight(g). Must provide a value for amount or weight(g) or both.
weight(g): Weight in grams of seedlot being transferred. Can be provided in conjunction with amount. Must provide a value for amount or weight(g) or both. - operator_name: Name of the person who oversaw the transaction process. Can be any name.
- to_new_seedlot_name: Must NOT exist in the database. New seedlot will be created using amount/weight of seeeds from existing seedlot.
- new_seedlot_box_name: Box name that this new seedlot is stored. Can be any name.
- transaction_description: Information about why this transaction is processed.
- new_seedlot_description: Information about this new seedlot.
- new_seedlot_quality: Status or condition of the seedlot, for example "ok", "moldy", "insect damage" etc.
Upload Template Information For Existing Seedlot to Plot Transactions
The first row (header) must contain the following:
from_seedlot_name | to_plot_name | amount | weight(g) | operator_name | transaction_description |
- from_seedlot_name: Must exist in the database. Seeds were taken from this seedlot.
- to_plot_name: Must exist in the database. Seeds were used for this plot. You can also record seedlot used for each plot during uploading existing trial on the Manage Trials page
amount: Number of seeds being transaferred. Can be provided in conjunction with weight(g). Must provide a value for amount or weight(g) or both.
weight(g): Weight in grams of seedlot being transferred. Can be provided in conjunction with amount. Must provide a value for amount or weight(g) or both. - operator_name: Name of the person who oversaw the transaction process. Can be any name.
- transaction_description: Information about why this transaction is processed.
Upload Template Information For Existing Seedlot to Unspecified Seedlots/Plots Transactions
The first row (header) must contain the following:
from_seedlot_name | amount | weight(g) | operator_name | transaction_description |
- from_seedlot_name: Must exist in the database. Seeds were taken from this seedlot.
amount: Number of seeds being transaferred. Can be provided in conjunction with weight(g). Must provide a value for amount or weight(g) or both.
weight(g): Weight in grams of seedlot being transferred. Can be provided in conjunction with amount. Must provide a value for amount or weight(g) or both. - operator_name: Name of the person who oversaw the transaction process. Can be any name.
- transaction_description: Information about why this transaction is processed.
Add New Transactions Using a List
- Intro
- Add New Transactions
Seedlot Transactions
There are four different types of seedlot transactions: Transferring seeds from an existing seedlot to another existing seedlot, to a new seedlot, to a plot or to unspecified seedlot or plot.
- You can use upload option for all transaction types
- Seedlot list option can be used only for transferring seeds from existing seedlots to unspecified seedlots/plots.
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